Despite the prevalence of e-readers, tablets and other digital devices, research shows people still prefer to read physical books. Perhaps it’s because physical books help readers absorb and recall content more effectively. Or that turning pages helps people index what they’ve read. Or maybe it’s the sensory experience—the smell and feel of a new book, or the nostalgia of a well-worn and dog-eared favorite.
Regardless of the reason, winter is a great time to rekindle your love of books. To help you get in the page-turning spirit, here are five small home library ideas to get your apartment ready for more reading.
Curate your collection
Let’s say you read 10 books each year. Not only does that put you in the top 21% of readers, it also means you’re likely to have amassed at least a few dozen books to serve as the foundation of your home library. If you want to add to your stockpile, visit Milwaukee bookstores like Boswell Book Company and Lion’s Tooth or online retailers to find your must-haves. Second-hand shops and library sales also may be of interest.
Consider your shelving
When it comes to small home library ideas, there are limitless shelving possibilities. Do you have bookshelves in need of a new coat of paint? Maybe a second-hand store has some vintage furniture waiting to be discovered and filled with your books. For design inspiration, Better Homes & Gardens has plenty of library décor ideas—from dark and moody to bright and colorful.
Find the right storage solutions
To make the most of a small space, creativity is key. Consider bookshelves that reach from floor to ceiling—even if you need to add a library ladder. Aligning bookshelves back-to-back to create a makeshift room divider can be an efficient use of space. If you have a cozy reading chair, an ottoman with built-in storage can serve dual duty: part footrest, part place to stash those Tolkien books you swear you’ll get around to reading.
Make it a place you want to be
What’s a home library without a comfortable place to get lost in a book? Consider shopping for a new chair or use something you already own to cozy up the space. Or build a place to sit by laying out cushions, throw pillows and blankets. You might even channel a younger version of you and add a beanbag or gaming chair. Don’t forget the reading lamp—especially for winter’s limited daylight.
Sprinkle some multi-sensory magic
Finish your project off with library décor ideas that are more than just cozy or cool-looking. Incorporating wax melts or essential oils can promote relaxation. Small candies or snacks can be sweet reward when you finish that 500-page odyssey. Add to the allure using string lights, soft blankets and a Bluetooth® speaker for ambient sounds.
Bookmark-worthy small home library ideas
Your small home library can be a gateway to new worlds. Or it can just be a place to kick back and relax. What’s important is it’s yours to curate. Pull some of these small home library ideas off the shelf and give them your own personal twist. Then comes the best part: hunkering down and cracking open your next book.